Wednesday 8 October 2014

Let's Get Fit | A Journey to a Healthier Life!

Hi everyone! This is definitely a little different to one of my usual posts, but this is going to be a big part of my life now, so I thought i'd share it with everyone.

Recently I've become really conscious about my health, and my weight in particular. I am closer to being a triple digit weight than I am to the healthy weight for my height and age group, and has caused me crippling anxiety in regards to going out in public and wearing certain types of clothing. I was always so unmotivated to change myself, but recently a family member was diagnosed with Diabetes, and it was a serious eye opener for me.

I used to go to sleep at 3am and wake up at 12pm the next day, and then repeat the cycle. I used to rarely eat anything nutritious -- save the smoothies I have posted about on this blog. Everything else was smothered with something redundant. I've now realised that food is fuel and should be treated as such.

For about a week now I've been trying my hardest to exercise and eat healthy, I've jogged on the treadmill 30-45 minutes a day and tried to stay on my feet as long as possible, and I feel like i'm progressing! Which is a huge deal for me. From tomorrow i'm doing 45 minute Zumba sessions and i'm really excited! But my only concern is keeping up my nutrition! I've found that I've been under eating sometimes up to 3000kj in a day, the most I've ever gone over is 1000kj.

I might possibly start blogging bi-monthly about my progress, and if i start getting the self-confidence, even progress pictures.

I'm really excited to start being healthy finally, i've never in my life ever been confident about myself, and now i'm finally willing to change that!

I'm going to cover this topic more on my YouTube channel on the 'let's catch up' tag, make sure to subscribe here to know when it goes up!

Love always,


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