Thursday 30 October 2014

Let's abolish the fat and skinny stereotypes!

Lately everything has been pretty hectic. I've suffered through an immense amount of loss, I've gotten an offer to work somewhere completely different to what I usually do, and my YouTube collaboration project is growing more than I thought it would!

I'm forever in debt to the people who have been there for me in the past few weeks: Jimmy, Taylah, my sister, my mother, Jessie and many more.

Unfortunately i've strayed from my original exercise/diet regime, which I plan on resuming ASAP, and it's taken a toll on my motivation and self esteem, mainly on my dress size. A size 16 isn't that bad when you put it into perspective, but it feels like a sucker punch to the gut when someone reminds you that you are in fact 'plus sized'.

I don't quite understand why being a curvy girl equals being plus sized, and why there are negative connotations behind having a voluptuous body, all logic has escaped me on that topic; and it annoys me more-so when that cute dress I want isn't available in my size, because they only stock up to size 14?! What a crock of bullshit in my opinion, embrace all body types. Make maxi dresses for those who have to hem them, not everyone is 5'9", and give rompers a little more room for your vagina to move about, I don't exactly enjoy having an incessant camel toe thanks, us taller girls enjoy a flirty floral jumpsuit as much as the next person.

That's just my two cents on that topic. I'm going to be doing a similar rant on the media portrayals of 'perfection' on my YouTube channel, make sure to look out for that!

Catch you guys later,


Friday 17 October 2014

HeyItsTaylorJade and GirlTalkTV

As some of you may or may not know, I have a YouTube channel -- HeyItsTaylorJade if you don't weren't aware. I've had it for almost 2 years now, and I've finally started posting videos! 

My channel is much like my blog here. I'll be doing whatever tickles my fancy. Whether it be skits, reviews, vlogs, hauls. You name it, i'll make it! So far I have 41 subscribers from the 5 videos i've posted, and i'm pretty proud if i do say so myself!

But let's forget my channel for now, I have another YouTube project i'm working on right now with 3 other girls: Jamie, Cassie and Antoinette. We're currently in the early stages of a collaborative YouTube channel called GirlTalkTV. We post weekly videos where we give advice, do DIY's and tutorials, so basically anything really. The first video is already out if you want to check it out!

I post as often on there as I do here, ad i'd really appreciate it if you'd subscribe to either GirlTalk or my main channel, it would mean a lot!


Wednesday 8 October 2014

Let's Get Fit | A Journey to a Healthier Life!

Hi everyone! This is definitely a little different to one of my usual posts, but this is going to be a big part of my life now, so I thought i'd share it with everyone.

Recently I've become really conscious about my health, and my weight in particular. I am closer to being a triple digit weight than I am to the healthy weight for my height and age group, and has caused me crippling anxiety in regards to going out in public and wearing certain types of clothing. I was always so unmotivated to change myself, but recently a family member was diagnosed with Diabetes, and it was a serious eye opener for me.

I used to go to sleep at 3am and wake up at 12pm the next day, and then repeat the cycle. I used to rarely eat anything nutritious -- save the smoothies I have posted about on this blog. Everything else was smothered with something redundant. I've now realised that food is fuel and should be treated as such.

For about a week now I've been trying my hardest to exercise and eat healthy, I've jogged on the treadmill 30-45 minutes a day and tried to stay on my feet as long as possible, and I feel like i'm progressing! Which is a huge deal for me. From tomorrow i'm doing 45 minute Zumba sessions and i'm really excited! But my only concern is keeping up my nutrition! I've found that I've been under eating sometimes up to 3000kj in a day, the most I've ever gone over is 1000kj.

I might possibly start blogging bi-monthly about my progress, and if i start getting the self-confidence, even progress pictures.

I'm really excited to start being healthy finally, i've never in my life ever been confident about myself, and now i'm finally willing to change that!

I'm going to cover this topic more on my YouTube channel on the 'let's catch up' tag, make sure to subscribe here to know when it goes up!

Love always,

