Tuesday 2 September 2014

| Smoothie Sensation! |

I wouldn't consider myself much of a health nut, but when it comes to smoothies, i'm 100% down!

Recently I've been experimenting with fruits and salads to try and find the best possible smoothie for myself post-workout, and I think I've found the one!

The smoothie consists of:

  • 1/2 handful Fruit For Life dried berry mix:
    with Sultanas, Goji Berries, Cherries,
    Strawberries and Cranberries,
  • 2 teaspoons store brand black chia seeds,
  • 5 fresh Strawberries, quartered,
  • 1/2 cup - cup Coconut water,
  • 1 scoop Green Tea X50 skinny protein
    powder in the flavour chocolate,
  • 2 Kiwifruits, halved and flesh extracted
  • 1 Banana, sliced.

The method is pretty simple, first you add the fruits. I layered the strawberries first, then the kiwifruit and then the banana. I then added the coconut water and then sprinkled 2 teaspoons of chia seeds on top. You can add as much or as little coconut water as you'd like, as some people find it harder to swallow than others.

It should look a little something like this!

You then blend that until smooth, the chia seeds may take a little longer than the fruit, but it's well worth it!

After that was done, I added the dried berry mix on top and then the protein powder. I despise the stuff, so i try and put in as little as possible without losing any benefits, so i usually put in 3/4 of a scoop. 

This smoothie is packed full of vitamins and lots of yummy good stuff to give you a good start to the day, it's also yummy too! And that's coming from a picky eater like myself.


  1. I really want to try this! Thank you for sharing

  2. You're most welcome! It only takes around 5 minutes to throw together, very quick and easy!

